11/17> Funny how being away for a day and night can make a cat appreciate you all the more when you come home.
11/13/2012 > There is something to be said for sharing time with fellow authors...it gets the creative juices flowing.
6/10> I asked a great photographer if he had any sunset shots I could use for my upcoming book, The Contract, and he had so many I found it impossible to decide! That said, watch my FaceBook page for upcoming voting contest where your comment on one or the other could win you a copy of the book of your choice.
6/5> Technology is a wonderful thing... except when it does not work. However, my internet connection is back up and running fairly decently.
5/10> When folks say it is a small world, believe me, it is! I have been digging on hubby's tree... his mother was from the south, his father the north... however, in 1704 Mass there was an Indian Raid in which 9 men were killed. 5 of these were from his family... 3 on his dad's side, 2 from his mother's! Small world indeed!
5/4> Very excited, have the summary ready for the next release and the cover design is taking shape.
3/2> So, any readers out there?